Ресурсный центр по контролю над табаком
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Рассылка 'НОУСМОКИНГ - для тех, кто не носит смокинги и не выносит табачного дыма' Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe 
Контроль над табаком и общественное здоровье в Восточной Европе
Контроль над тютюном й охорона громадського здоров’я у Східній Європі
international peer-reviewed open-access journal Система Информации на Русском языке по Профилактике Алкогольных, Табачных и прочих Интоксикантных Проблем Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
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Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe 
Контроль над табаком и общественное здоровье в Восточной Европе
Контроль над тютюном й охорона громадського здоров’я у Східній Європі
international peer-reviewed open-access journal
Система Информации на Русском языке по Профилактике Алкогольных, Табачных и прочих Интоксикантных Проблем
Центр помощи бросающим курить КВИТ
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine
Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
Журнал тех, кто не боится быть трезвым
Глобальный контроль над табаком: Узнаем от экспертов 

Geneva declaration on establishing Coalition for smoke free Eastern Europe and Central Asia

We, representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, attending the Sixth Session of Intergovernmental Negotiating Body on the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control:
bulletBeing deeply concerned with tobacco epidemic causing public health decline and deterioration of social security in our countries and the region as a whole,
bulletUnderstanding similarity of political, economic, social and cultural determinants of tobacco expansion and tobacco control in our countries,
bulletBeing aware of tobacco control initiatives and efforts implemented in the region by governments, national and international CSOs, 
bulletTaking into consideration WHO efforts aimed at consolidation of regional tobacco control efforts of the governments and CSOs, 
bulletWishing to provide practical targeted support to activities of governments of our countries, and international anti-tobacco community, as well as WHO, World Bank, EC, other international organisations and donors in the region and specific countries,
bulletAiming at consolidation of existing tobacco control efforts and at development of new region- and country-specific tobacco control initiatives,
bulletUnderstanding the need for collaboration and concerted activity and positions of CSOs of our countries in tobacco control,
bulletTaking into account the under-representation of our countries' and regional needs in global and European public health and tobacco control debate and activities, 
bulletUnderstanding the need to counteract region- and country-specific tobacco industry strategies,

Join together on the basis of Geneva Declaration on Establishing Coalition «For Smoke Free Eastern Europe and Central Asia». 

The Principles for the Coalition activities:
bulletTransparency of Coalition activities, 
bulletEquality of CSOs of partnering countries, 
bulletEqual representation of CSOs of specific countries in Coalition co-ordinating body. Participating CSOs of each country have one representative on Board of Coalition. Participating CSOs of each country make decisions on their representation on Board of Coalition, 
bulletBoard of Coalition makes decisions on Coalition membership, activities and further development, 
bulletConsensus in developing joint positions and statements,
bulletIndependence of each CSO in determining its position on tobacco control,
bulletNetwork principle of organisation of activities, absence of hierarchy,
bulletEach CSO - member of Coalition coming with a specific initiative on tobacco control, if it is supported by Board of Coalition, provides technical means for implementation of this initiative,
bulletAbsence of support of Coalition and its members from tobacco and advertising industry, 
bulletExclusion of CSOs not adhering to the Principles of Coalition.

Activities of Coalition are determined by Board of Coalition, and include the following: 
bulletDeveloping joint position statements on tobacco control,
bulletSpeaking out on behalf of CSOs of countries of the region, participating in the Coalition,
bulletPartnership with national governments, private business, CSOs, mass media, and also with WHO, WB, EC, and other organisations and agencies in development and implementation of regional and country-specific tobacco control activities and projects,
bulletEvaluation of project proposals and activities on tobacco control in the region and specific countries,
bulletExposing tobacco industry activities in the region and specific countries,
bulletExchange of information and experience in tobacco control at the regional and international levels,
bulletCollaboration with governmental, intergovernmental, private business, mass media and other parties interested in tobacco control,
bulletPromotion of FCTC development, adoption, ratification and effective implementation by the countries of the region.

We submit this Declaration to the governmental, intergovernmental, private business and civil society organisations concerned with issues of tobacco control on the global, regional and country-specific level. 

We invite representatives of CSOs of the region to join the Coalition by approaching any of the parties signing this Coalition. 

Signing parties:

bullet Anti-Tobacco Alliance/Azerbaijan  
bullet Tobacco Control Alliance in Georgia 
bullet Coalition for Smoke Free Russia  
bullet Coalition for Tobacco Free Ukraine  
bulletTele-Radio Grand, Uzbekistan

Geneva, Switzerland, 20 February 2003.

Russian version




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