Ресурсный центр по контролю над табаком
FCA Tobacco Control Advocacy Leadership WorkshopDear Colleague: The Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) with help from the World Health Organization will conduct three-day advocacy training workshops in the following WHO regions: AFRO, EURO, SEARO and WPRO. Dates and locations are as follows: EURO: Bucharest, Romania April 29th-May 2nd AFRO: Entebbe, Uganda May 26-30th SEARO (plus all ASEAN countries except the Philippines): Bangkok, Thailand May 3-6th WPRO: Manila, Philippines May 26-29th The goal of the workshops is to build the capacity of NGOs to engage in sustained and effective advocacy for FCTC ratification and implementation. Participants will identify the main elements of a strategic plan and begin to identify existing and needed partners and resources to accomplish FCTC ratification and implementation. More specifically, it is our hope that by the end of the workshops participants will have: 1) identified the basic elements of a strategic plan to get the FCTC ratified in their countries, including an understanding of the ratification process in their country and the steps necessary to achieve ratification (as a precondition to participation applicants will need to familiarize themselves with the legal requirements for ratification of a treaty for their country); 2) gained knowledge about the main elements of the FCTC, the economic and scientific rationale for its key measures, the behavior of the tobacco industry, and be able to argue in favor of the FCTC and dispel the myths associated with tobacco control; 3) developed basic advocacy skills relevant to ratification efforts and passage of effective legislation, including an understanding of how to use the media for advocacy purposes; 4) identified whether creating a formal coalition or helping the growth of an informal collaborative leadership group willing to develop a common, integrated national tobacco control advocacy strategy is the most effective way to achieve ratification. Participants will include a mix of experienced tobacco control advocates and new/emerging ones. We expect that all participants, whether experienced or not, will be committed to sharing with and learning from fellow participants in an environment in which each participant's contribution is respected and no one, including facilitators, will dominate discussion. We also expect that people (and the organizations they represent) attending these workshops will be willing and able to make concrete commitments to carry out elements of an advocacy strategy that will be developed at the workshop and to share the programmatic ideas, skills, and understandings developed in the workshop with colleagues and counterparts in their home countries. Please note that in some cases more than one advocate per country will be accepted to attend the training. To be considered for participation, please fill out the application form below and return it by MARCH 12th, 2004 to Laurent Huber, FCA Coordinator (FCA@globalink.org). If necessary, you can use the following addresses as alternative addresses. laurentfctc@hotmail.com, ashlaurent@aol.com and lh2@ash.org No late applications will be considered. If your situation changes after submitting your application (i.e. you are no longer able to attend) please alert Laurent. ************************************************************************
APPLICATION TO ATTEND FCA TOBACCO CONTROL Name: Gender: Organization: Address: Country: Work Phone: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax Number: E-mail: Alternative e-mail address: Please briefly describe the main mission of the organization you work for and what activities it is engaged in:
Please briefly describe your organization's work to date on the FCTC, including any lobbying you have done with your government:
What, if anything, can your organization contribute to your participation in this workshop:
What do you hope to accomplish at this workshop?
How long have you been active in tobacco control?
Do you work on tobacco control issues full time? If not, approximately how many hours per week do you spend working on tobacco control issues?
Please describe briefly the legal process for singing and ratifying treaties in your country. Who in your country signs treaties and who ratifies them? (for example the President/Prime Minister, Parliament, etc.)
What would you consider to be the highest, most realistic priority objectives for tobacco control advocates in your country for the next three years?
What knowledge, experience, and skills do you believe you, yourself, can contribute over the next three years in working for improved tobacco control policy in your country?
Did you attend any of the FCTC negotiations?
Has your country signed the FCTC?
If not, has your country expressed an intention to sign the FCTC? Please briefly describe what you perceive as the major obstacles to getting the FCTC ratified and implemented in your country.
Please list key allies within your country for ratification of the FCTC (these could include other NGOs, politicians, unions, etc.).
Do you have an ally or allies in government who can assist you in getting the FCTC ratified?
What languages do you know? (please indicate ability to read, write and speak)
After the workshop, would you and your organization be willing to take responsibility for carrying out elements of an advocacy strategy?
After the workshop, would you and your organization be willing to share the ideas, skills, and understandings developed in the workshop to colleagues and counterparts in your country?
Laurent Huber
Representative office: |