Ресурсный центр по контролю над табаком
Tobacco control resource centre

Рассылка 'НОУСМОКИНГ - для тех, кто не носит смокинги и не выносит табачного дыма' Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe 
Контроль над табаком и общественное здоровье в Восточной Европе
Контроль над тютюном й охорона громадського здоров’я у Східній Європі
international peer-reviewed open-access journal Система Информации на Русском языке по Профилактике Алкогольных, Табачных и прочих Интоксикантных Проблем Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
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Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe 
Контроль над табаком и общественное здоровье в Восточной Европе
Контроль над тютюном й охорона громадського здоров’я у Східній Європі
international peer-reviewed open-access journal
Система Информации на Русском языке по Профилактике Алкогольных, Табачных и прочих Интоксикантных Проблем
Центр помощи бросающим курить КВИТ
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine
Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
Журнал тех, кто не боится быть трезвым
Глобальный контроль над табаком: Узнаем от экспертов 

Книга "Табак и здоровье"


A book about tobacco for those quitting smoking and nonsmokers

Tobacco use is so deeply entrenched in our lives, it feels trivial and hardly deserves to be described in a magazine article, much less a book. For some, it’s like reading about pencils or doorknobs. Since the majority of us believe that we are “aware” of tobacco hazards, why do we need books on the subject? Unfortunately, our “awareness” is far from being satisfactory. Ask an average classroom of 7th graders to write an essay on the dangers of smoking. The majority of teens would rather be asked to take a math test. Ask young smoking parents of an asthmatic baby what represents the first step in effectively managing childhood asthma. Most likely, they will simply ignore the dangers of secondhand smoke and its effects on their child. Ask a smoker, who has attempted and failed to quit multiple times, how to cope with smoking temptations. Likely this individual will lack the necessary knowledge and skills to guide him or her in their quest to quit smoking. Finally, ask a young female smoker why she chose “light” cigarettes instead of the “regulars.” You will be told that these cigarettes are safer and less likely to cause cancer. The bottomline is, both smokers and nonsmokers tend to be underinformed, ignorant, and misguided about tobacco products, their use, and effective ways to become or stay tobacco-free. The answers to these and other relevant questions may be found in this book.

The authors of this book, Konstantin Krasovsky and Tatiana Andreeva are internationally recognized tobacco control experts. They have been outstandingly prolific in their writing and publishing of materials that summarize diverse and multilingual international tobacco control information. Over the past few years, Krasovsky and Andreeva produced a large volume of tobacco-related materials—brochures, pamphlets, and books—for various segments of the population. Widely recognized as passionate and dedicated advocates of a tobacco-free society, their organization (Alcohol and Drug Information Center) is one of the largest clearinghouses serving the countries of the former Soviet Union. Their Internet site (http://www.adic.org.ua/nosmoking) is a popular Russian-language resource for those interested in tobacco-related issues. This book, which introduces the largest and most complete body of evidence compiled by these authors, will be of interest to many readers regardless of their smoking status.

If you are a parent who is concerned about your teenage child being increasingly interested in cigarettes, this book is for you and for the child. If you are a long-time, addicted smoker who wants to quit, you may discover important clues on how to accomplish this difficult task successfully. Even if you are a nonsmoker, no one in your social circle smokes, you can still find relevant information on second-hand smoking and health. Increasingly, the entire world is recognizing the huge health and economic burden of tobacco use. As a result, we all are slowly but surely moving towards a tobacco-free society. Read this book and be prepared.

Professor Alexander V. Prokhorov
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, USA



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