Всемирный День Без Табака,
31 мая 1999 года
За дальнейшей информацией, пожалуйста,
Штаб-квартира ВОЗ
WHO Headquarters
Dr Derek Yach
Project Manager
Tobacco Free Initiative
World Health Organization
1211 Geneva 27
Tel: +41 22 791 2736
Fax: +41 22 791 4769
E-mail: yachd@who.ch
WHO Regional Office for Africa
Mr L. Sanwogou
Regional Adviser on Health Education
World Health Organization
Regional Office for Africa
Medical School, C Ward
Parirenyatwa Hospital
Mazoe Street
P.O. Box BE 773
Tel: +263 4 70 69 51/70 74 93
Fax: +263 4 70 56 19/70 20 44
WHO Regional Office for the Americas
Dr Enrique Madrigal
Regional Adviser on Drug Abuse
525, 23rd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037
Tel: +1 202 974 3331
Fax: +1 202 974 3631
E-mail: madrigen@paho.org
WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
Dr M. Al Khateeb
Regional Adviser on Health Education
World Health Organization
Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
P.O. Box 1517
Alexandria 21511
Tel: +203 48 202 23
Fax: +203 48 38 916
E-mail: alkhateebm@who.sci.eg
Европейское Региональное Бюро ВОЗ
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Dr P. Anderson
Regional Adviser for the Action Plan for a Tobacco-Free Europe
World Health Organization
Regional Office for Europe
8, Scherfigsvej
2100 Copenhagen Ш
Tel: +45 39 17 12 48
Fax: +45 39 17 18 54
E-mail: pan@who.dk
WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia
Ms Martha Osei
Regional Adviser on Health and Behaviour
World Health Organization
Regional Office for South-East Asia
World Health House
Indraprastha Estate
Mahatma Gandhi Road
New Delhi 110002
Tel: +91 11 331 7804
Fax: +91 11 331 8607
E-mail: martha@who.ernet.in
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Mr Stephen Tamplin
Regional Focal Point for Tobacco or Health
World Health Organization
Regional Office for the Western Pacific
P.O. Box 2932
1099 Manila
Tel: +632 528 8001
Fax: +632 52 11 036/53 60279
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