Всемирный день без табака 31 мая 2002 года
1.Barrie Gill, chief executive of Championship Sports Specialists Ltd., a sports sponsorship company
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3. Reported in The EastAfrican, 10 September 2001.
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4. Reported in Tobacco Control 2000; 9; 129 (Summer) 5. Reported in Tobacco Control 2000; 9; 9; 129.
6. Reported in Tobacco Control 2000; 9; 359 (Winter)
7. Gallaher Group Website (www.gallaher-group.com).
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46. ASH (UK) Report: «Effects on Sport of Bans on Tobacco Advertising and Sponsorship in Australia», July 2001.
Всемирный день без табака 31 мая 2002 года