Ресурсный центр по контролю над табаком
Tobacco control resource centre

Рассылка 'НОУСМОКИНГ - для тех, кто не носит смокинги и не выносит табачного дыма' Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe 
Контроль над табаком и общественное здоровье в Восточной Европе
Контроль над тютюном й охорона громадського здоров’я у Східній Європі
international peer-reviewed open-access journal Система Информации на Русском языке по Профилактике Алкогольных, Табачных и прочих Интоксикантных Проблем Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
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Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe 
Контроль над табаком и общественное здоровье в Восточной Европе
Контроль над тютюном й охорона громадського здоров’я у Східній Європі
international peer-reviewed open-access journal
Система Информации на Русском языке по Профилактике Алкогольных, Табачных и прочих Интоксикантных Проблем
Центр помощи бросающим курить КВИТ
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre - ADIC-Ukraine
Coalition for tobacco free Ukraine
Журнал тех, кто не боится быть трезвым
Глобальный контроль над табаком: Узнаем от экспертов 


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de Beyer J, Yurekli A and Lovelace C. Poverty and tobacco, Tobacco Control 2001 10: 210-211

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Jaffee, S. Malawi's Tobacco Sector: Standing on One Strong Leg is Better Than on None, World Bank, June 2002

Jha P and Chaloupka, F. Tobacco Control in Developing Countries, OUP for the World Bank and WHO, 2000

Keyser, J. The Costs and Profitability of Tobacco Compared to other Crops in Zimbabwe, Economics of Tobacco Discussion Paper No 1, Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank, June 2002

Krasovsky K, Andreeva T, Krisanov D, Mashliakivsky and Rud G. Economics of Tobacco Control in Ukraine from the Public Health Perspective, Alcohol and Drug Information Center, Kiev, 2002

Malhotra, SP. Tobacco in India: Long term Perspective», unpublished manuscript commissioned by the FAO, 2001

Mergos G. Tobacco: Supply, Demand and Trade Projections, 2005-2010. Unpublished paper prepared for the FAO, 2001

Narayan D, Chambers R, Shah M and Petesch P. Voices of the Poor Crying Out for Change. World Bank, Washington DC, 2000

Onder, Z. The Economics of Tobacco in Turkey: New evidence and demand estimates, Economics of Tobacco Discussion Paper No 2, Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank, November 2002.14

Petkova R, Ileva R, Rusenov A, Slavov, S and Sredkova, L. Evaluating the Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Employment, Bulgarian Case, (unpublished, commissioned by WHO Kobe Centre for Health Development), December 2001

Sayginsoy O. An Analysis of the links between Poverty and Tobacco in Egypt (unpublished work for the World Bank), 2002.

Sayginsoy O, Yurekli A, de Beyer J. Cigarette Demand, Taxation and the Poor; A Case Study of Bulgaria, Economics of Tobacco Discussion Paper No 4, Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank, December 2002.

van Liemt G. The world tobacco industry: Trends and prospects. International Labour Office, Sectoral Activities Programme Working Paper, 2001

van Walbeek CP. The distributional impact of changes in tobacco prices: Some preliminary findings. Economics of Tobacco Control Project (Phase II), University of Cape Town, South Africa (unpublished) 2000.

World Bank , PRSP Source book Health chapter, 2001, available on-line www.worldbank.org/hnp

World Bank. Curbing the Epidemic: governments and the economics of tobacco control. Development in Practice, Washington DC; 1999.

World Bank. World Development Indicators 2000. World Bank, 2000

Yurekli, A. (forthcoming) Cigarette smuggling - new analysis of its impact on tax rate and revenue increases. World Bank Economics of Tobacco Discussion Paper. World Bank, 2003.

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