Ресурсный центр по контролю над табаком
Норвегия: Запрет рекламы и пропагандыСписок литературы1. Bjartveit K, Lund KE. The Norwegian ban on advertising of tobacco products. Has it worked? Oslo: Norwegian Cancer Society/Norwegian Health Association, 1998 Available on web site: www. kreft. no. 2. Bjartveit K. Legislation and political activity. In: Forbes WF, Frecker RC, Nostbakken D, ed. Proceedings on the 5 th World Conference on Smoking and Health, Winnipeg, Canada, 1983 . Volume I. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Smoking and Health: 31-45, 1983. 3. Lund KE. What messages did the Norwegian tobacco industry communicate to consumers in its advertising over the 1955-75 period? Tidsskr Nor L?geforen, , 2002;122: 310-6 (in Norwegian, summary in English ). 4. Kreyberg L. Aetiology of lung cancer. A morphological, epidemiological and experimental analysis . Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1969. 5. Sigarettroyking og helse. . En redegjorelse fra helsedirektoren. Tidsskr Nor L?geforen 1964;84: 300-05 (in Norwegian ). 6. Bjartveit K, Christie N, Holb?k -Hansen L, Mork T, Nilsen E, Vormeland O, As B. Report of the Committee for Research in Smoking Habits, appointed by The Norwegian Cancer Society. In: Wakefield J, ed. Influencing smoking Behaviour. Geneva: UICC, Technical Report Series. Volume 3, 1969. 7. Bjartveit K. The history of the Norwegian ban on tobacco advertising. In: Lock S, Reynolds L, Tansey EM, eds. Ashes to ashes: The History of Smoking and Health . Clio Medica 46 in the Wellcome Institute Series in the History of Medicine. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B V, 1998: 216-20. 8. Recommendation concerning an Act on Restrictive Measures for the Marketing of Tobacco Products etc (the Tobacco Act). By a Committee appointed by Royal Decree of 31 July 1970. Oslo: The Royal Ministry of Social Affairs, 1971. 9. The Act relating to Restrictive Measures for the Marketing of Tobacco Products etc. (Norway) Oslo: National Council on Smoking and Health, 1975. 10. Kjonstad A. The tobacco industry and the ban on advertising. I: Forbes WF, Frecker RC, Nostbakken D, ed. Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Smoking and Health, Winnipeg, Canada, 1983 . Ottawa: Canadian Council on Smoking and Health, Canada, 1983: 1: 567-73. 11. Bjartveit K. Fifteen years of comprehensive legislation: results and conclusions. In Durston B, Jamrozik K, eds. Tobacco and Health 1990. The Global War. Proceedings of Seventh World Conference on Tobacco and Health 1990 . Perth: Health Department of Western Australia, 1990: 71-80. 12. Bjartveit K. Minnesota-dokumentene. In: Oppfolging av NOU 2000: 16 Tobakksindustriens erstatningsansvar. Oslo: Sosial-og helsedirektoratet, avdeling tobakk, 2002 (in Norwegian; quotes in English). 13. Bjartveit K, Enarson DA. The role of legislation on tobacco consumption. In: Richmond R, ed. Educating Medical Students About Tobacco: Planning and Implementation. Paris: Tobacco Prevention Section, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 1996: 225-45. 14. Lund KE. Tobacco advertising and how to measure its effect on smoking behaviour. In: Slama K, ed. Tobacco and Health. Proceedings of the Ninth World Conference on Tobacco and Health 1994. New York: Plenum Press, 1995: 199-204. 15. Kalve L. Tobakksgigant skjulte norsk forskning. Oslo: Nettavisen, 10 Ocktober 2000 (in Norwegian. Title: Tobacco giant hide Norwegian research). 16. Bjartveit K. The effect of an advertising ban -who has the burden of proof? In: Slama K, ed. Tobacco and Health. Proceedings of the Ninth World Conference on Tobacco and Health 1994. New York: Plenum Press, 1995: 205-8. 17. Tverdal Aa. Nelson E. Dodeligheten i Norge av forskjelligearsaker. Oslo: Statens helseundersokelser. SHUS-rapport nr. 3/2001, 2001 (in Norwegian). 18. Irgens-Jensen O, Rud MG. Bruk av stoffer, alkohol og tobakk blant gutter og jenter: Oslo 1968-76. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1979 (in Norwegian). 19. Irgens-Jensen O. Bergens-ungdommens bruk av stoffer, alkohol og tobakk 1971-79. Oslo: Statens institutt for alkoholforskning, 1980 (in Norwegian). 20. Lund KE. Samfunnsskapte endringer i tobakksbruk i Norge i det 20. arhundre. (Social influences on tobacco use in the 20th century Norway). Thesis. Oslo: Departement of sociology and social geography, University of Oslo, 1996 (in Norwegian). 21. Ronneberg A, Lund KE, Hafstad A. Lifetime smoking habits among Norwegian men and women born between 1890 and 1974. Int J Epidemiol 1994;23: 267-76. 22. Effect of tobacco advertising on tobacco consumption. A discussion document reviewing the evidence (the Smee Report). London: Department of Health, Economics and Research Division, 1992. 23. Brundtland GH. Influencing environmental factors in cardiovascular disease prevention: A global view. Preventive Medicine 1994;23 (no. 4): 531-4. Выражение благодарностиRita Lindbak и Siri N?sheim, оба старшие консультанты Норвежского директората здравоохранения и социальных служб, департамент контроля над табаком, оказали содействие при подготовке текста. Профессор Asbjorn Kjonstad, доктор юриспруденции, и старший научный сотрудник Karl Erik Lund прокомментировали рукопись. Автор хотел бы поблагодарить их за помощь. Воздействие на потребление и уровни курения<<< | Содержание